rosophila suzukii (Matsumura) (Diptera: Drosophilidae) to wszechobecny światowy szkodnik kilku upraw owocowych. Liczby schwytanych osobników dorosłych są wykorzystywane do monitorowania populacji i podejmowania decyzji kontrolnych, ale odróżniają D. suzukii od innych schwytanych Drosophila spp. jest pracochłonne. Opracowaliśmy metodę real-time PCR do specyficznego wykrywania i półilościowej oceny D. suzukii z próbek pułapek. Test PCR nie amplifikował DNA z 29 innych badanych gatunków Drosophilidae. Drosophila suzukii została wykryta z ≥0,96 pg docelowego DNA oraz z próbek laboratoryjnych zawierających jeden D. suzukii w 2000 innych Drosophila spp. muchy. Zbadaliśmy stabilność DNA jednego D. suzukii w 100 Drosophila spp. lata w wodzie lub etanolu w temperaturze 20, 25 lub 30°C przez 1, 4 lub 7 dni.
Tylko woda o temperaturze 30°C przez 7 dni całkowicie zaburza wykrywalność DNA D. suzukii. Zastąpienie wody płynem do płukania jamy ustnej spowodowało wykrycie D. suzukii we wszystkich próbkach przetrzymywanych przez 7 dni w temperaturze 30°C lub dziennych wahaniach temperatur 33/23°C. Pułapki z płynem do płukania jamy ustnej miały łapanie D. suzukii równe pułapkom z wodą. Krzywą kalibracyjną ustalono stosując próbki w płynie do płukania jamy ustnej zawierające 1/1000-100/1000 D. suzukii/całkowita Drosophila spp. muchy i inkubowane w 25°C przez 7 dni. Krzywa miała współczynnik determinacji (R2) wynoszący 0,9279 między liczbą D. suzukii z PCR a rzeczywistą liczbą D. suzukii w próbkach przygotowanych w 70% etanolu. Oczekuje się, że pobieranie próbek w płynie do płukania jamy ustnej poprawi dokładność wykrywania, a metoda qPCR może być użytecznym narzędziem wspierającym monitorowanie i zarządzanie D. suzukii.
Dokładny i precyzyjny pomiar względnej zawartości białka w próbkach krwi za pomocą spektrometrii mas stanowi wyzwanie ze względu na dużą liczbę krążących białek i dynamiczny zakres ich obfitości.
- Tradycyjne metody przetwarzania widma często mają trudności z dokładnym wykrywaniem nakładających się pików obserwowanych w tych próbkach. W tej pracy opracowujemy nowatorski algorytm przetwarzania widmowego, który skutecznie wykrywa ponad 1650 pików o intensywności ponad 3,5 rzędów wielkości w zakresie od 3 do 30 kD m/z.
- Algorytm wykorzystuje splot kształtu piku, aby zwiększyć wykrywanie piku, oraz dokładne dopasowanie piku, aby zapewnić wysoce powtarzalne szacunki względnej liczebności zarówno dla pików izolowanych, jak i pików nakładających się.
- Wykazujemy znaczny wzrost powtarzalności pomiarów względnej liczebności białka, porównując tę metodę przetwarzania z tradycyjną metodą przetwarzania zestawów próbek przeprowadzonych na wielu instrumentach desorpcji/jonizacji laserowej wspomaganej matrycą (MALDI-TOF). Wykorzystując analizę wzbogacania zestawu białek, stwierdzamy znaczny wzrost liczby cech związanych z procesami biologicznymi w porównaniu z wcześniej podanymi wynikami. Nowa metoda przetwarzania może być bardzo korzystna przy opracowywaniu wysokowydajnych molekularnych testów diagnostycznych we wskazaniach chorobowych. Testy półilościowe gołym okiem (NEQ) powinny wykazywać żywe zmiany kolorów i zgodność jeden do jednego między stężeniami analitu a wyświetlaczem kolorowym .
- Tutaj przedstawiamy bisubstratowy system wielokolorymetryczny składający się z 3,3′,5,5′-tetrametylobenzydyny (TMB) i dopaminy (DA), który przeprowadza kontrolowany test NEQ w oparciu o zasadę komplementarnej harmonicznej. Ten dwusubstratowy system jest uniwersalnym testem progowym NEQ z regulowaną czułością i oknem detekcji w zależności od stężenia H 2 O 2 .
- Aktywność podobną do peroksydazy NP PEG@Fe3O4 zastosowano do katalizowania utleniania TMB i DA przez H2O2 do produktów barwnych . Na podstawie danych z widm UV-Vis spekulowano, że produkt utleniania TMB (TMB ·+ ) może utleniać DA w tym układzie. Stężenie DA kontroluje zużycie utleniacza (H 2 O 2 ) i utlenianie TMB. Kontrolując stosunek molowy TMB do DA, system dwusubstratowy precyzyjnie pokazywał wyświetlacze wielokolorowe (np. wyświetlacz trójkolorowy: pomarańczowy, szary i niebieski) przy submilimolowych i milimolowych stężeniach H 2 O 2 .
- Granica wykrywalności i czułość dla H 2 O 2 wyniosły odpowiednio 0,4 mM i 0,1 mM. Następnie system został zastosowany do progowego wykrywania hipoglikemii (pomarańczowy), prawidłowy (szary) i hiperglikemii (niebieski) w próbkach wzbogaconych na żelowych i papierowych paskach testowych. Uzyskano zdigitalizowane wyniki kolorymetryczne za pomocą analizy czerwono-zielono-niebieskiej (RGB) z aplikacją na smartfona.
- Praca ta zapewnia nową strategię testu wielokolorymetrycznego, która wykorzystuje możliwości kontroli, wykrywanie progów, żywe zmienności kolorów i odtwarzalność (CV wynosiły 1,1-2,1%), co może być potencjalnie przydatne w warunkach terenowych i przychodniach Aplikacje.
Zakrzepica zatok żylnych mózgu (CVST) w tomografii komputerowej bez kontrastu (NCCT) jest często trudna do wykrycia.
Total protein quantitative assay kit |
BC032-100tube96samples | ELK Biotech | 100tube/96samples | 110 EUR |
Total protein quantitative Assay Kit |
SH0172 | Jiaxing Korain Biotech Ltd (BT Labs) | 100T/96Sample | 160 EUR |
Total protein quantitative Assay Kit |
SH0309-1 | Jiaxing Korain Biotech Ltd (BT Labs) | 50T/48Sample | 150 EUR |
Total protein quantitative Assay Kit |
SH0309-2 | Jiaxing Korain Biotech Ltd (BT Labs) | 100T/96Sample | 160 EUR |
Peroxide assay, colorimetric micro assay kit, 96 test, Quantitative |
1350-POX-1 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 489.6 EUR |
Peroxidase assay, colorimetric micro assay kit, 96 test, Quantitative |
1360-PAS-1 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 634.8 EUR |
Peroxide Quantitative Assay Kit (Water compatible) |
BSP069 | Bio Basic | 250Assays, 250preps | 110.11 EUR |
Total Bilirubin Assay Kit, Quantitative, 96 tests |
BBN-100 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 854.4 EUR |
Quantitative Cellular Senescence Assay |
CBA-232 | Cell Biolabs | 10 assays | 288 EUR |
Quantitative Cellular Senescence Assay |
CBA-232-5 | Cell Biolabs | 5 x 10 assays | 1240 EUR |
Quantitative Cellular Senescence Assay |
MBS169055-10Assays | MyBiosource | 10Assays | 505 EUR |
Quantitative Cellular Senescence Assay |
MBS169055-5x10Assays | MyBiosource | 5x10Assays | 1820 EUR |
Peroxide Quantitative Assay Kit (Lipid-Compatible) |
BSP067 | Bio Basic | 250Assays, 250preps | 110.11 EUR |
Glucose colorimetric micro assay kit, 96 test, Quantitative |
1380-GLC-1 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 343.2 EUR |
Mouse Anti-Chicken type II collagen antibodies (Coll Ab) quantitative detection ELISA Kit |
MBS3809949-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 6545 EUR |
Mouse Anti-Chicken type II collagen antibodies (Coll Ab) quantitative detection ELISA Kit |
MBS3809949-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 3325 EUR |
Mouse Anti-Chicken type II collagen antibodies (Coll Ab) quantitative detection ELISA Kit |
MBS3809949-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 720 EUR |
Glutathione (GSH) Assay, Enzymatic colorimetric assay kit, 96 test, Quantitative |
1250-GSH-1 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 489.6 EUR |
Hemoglobin colorimetric micro assay kit, 96 test, Quantitative |
1540-HEM-1 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 343.2 EUR |
Cholesterol colorimetric micro assay kit, 96 test, Quantitative |
1390-CHL-1 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 634.8 EUR |
Triglyceride colorimetric micro assay kit, 96 test, Quantitative |
1550-TGL-1 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 343.2 EUR |
HiPer® Quantitative Precipitin Assay Tea |
HTI011-10PR | EWC Diagnostics | 1 unit | 31.02 EUR |
Glycogen fluorometric micro assay kit, 96 test, Quantitative |
1530-GLY-1 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 634.8 EUR |
Cholesterol Fluorometric micro assay kit, 96 test, Quantitative |
1395-CHL-1 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 416.4 EUR |
Glutathione Peroxidase Assay (GPX), Enzymatic colorimetric assay kit, 96 test, Quantitative |
1240-GPX-1 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 708 EUR |
RT-PCR quantitative Covid-19 assay CE-IVD |
CLO-RT-25 | BioServUK | 48 reactions | 2513 EUR |
Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS) enzyme assay, colorimetric micro assay kit, 96 test, Quantitative |
1290-NOS-1 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 781.2 EUR |
Ketone Body Enzymatic colorimetric micro assay kit, 96 test, Quantitative |
1260-KTN-1 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 489.6 EUR |
Total protein quantitative assay kit (Biuret method, with standard) |
MBS2540542-100Assays | MyBiosource | 100Assays | 220 EUR |
Total protein quantitative assay kit (Biuret method, with standard) |
MBS2540542-100Tests | MyBiosource | 100Tests | 220 EUR |
Total protein quantitative assay kit (Biuret method, with standard) |
MBS2540542-500Assays | MyBiosource | 500Assays | 285 EUR |
Total protein quantitative assay kit (Biuret method, with standard) |
MBS2540542-500Tests | MyBiosource | 500Tests | 285 EUR |
Total protein quantitative assay kit (Biuret method, with standard) |
MBS2540542-5x100Tests | MyBiosource | 5x100Tests | 1300 EUR |
Human Matrix Metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1/Collagenase) ELISA KIT, 96 tests, quantitative |
100-460-MP1 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 927.6 EUR |
Human Matrix Metalloproteinase-3 (MMP-3/Collagenase) ELISA KIT, 96 tests, quantitative |
100-480-MP3 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 927.6 EUR |
Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC), colorimetric micro assay kit, 96 test, Quantitative |
1370-TAS-1 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 634.8 EUR |
Nitric Oxide (NO/nitrate/nitrite) colorimetric micro assay kit, 96 test, Quantitative |
1280-NOX-1 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 634.8 EUR |
Quantofix iron-1000 test sticks/for semi -quantitative determination of fe2+ - PK100 |
Z166383-100EA | Scientific Laboratory Supplies | PK100 | 65.66 EUR |
Total protein quantitative assay kit (Coomassie brilliant blue method, with standard) |
MBS2540545-100Assays | MyBiosource | 100Assays | 220 EUR |
Total protein quantitative assay kit (Coomassie brilliant blue method, with standard) |
MBS2540545-100Tests | MyBiosource | 100Tests | 220 EUR |
Total protein quantitative assay kit (Coomassie brilliant blue method, with standard) |
MBS2540545-500Assays | MyBiosource | 500Assays | 285 EUR |
Total protein quantitative assay kit (Coomassie brilliant blue method, with standard) |
MBS2540545-500Tests | MyBiosource | 500Tests | 285 EUR |
Total protein quantitative assay kit (Coomassie brilliant blue method, with standard) |
MBS2540545-5x100Tests | MyBiosource | 5x100Tests | 1300 EUR |
Ascorbic Acid/Ascorbate (Vitmain C) fluorometric micro assay kit, 96 test, Quantitative |
1520-ASC-1 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 634.8 EUR |
Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) colorimetric micro assay kit, 96 test, Quantitative |
1270-TBA-1 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 489.6 EUR |
Tiamulin ELISA Kit, Quantitative |
DEIA036 | Creative Diagnostics | 96T | 907.2 EUR |
Fumonisin Quantitative Test Kit |
Q603 | Ring Biotechnology Co | 96T | 200 EUR |
T2 toxin Quantitative Test Kit |
Q604 | Ring Biotechnology Co | 96T | 200 EUR |
Zearalenone Quantitative Test Kit |
Q601 | Ring Biotechnology Co | 96T | 200 EUR |
Human RBP4 Quantitative ELISA Kit |
LF-EK70030 | Abfrontier | 1×96T | 722.4 EUR |
EpiQuik Quantitative PCR Fast Kit |
P-1029 | EpiGentek |
Aflatoxin B1 Quantitative Test Kit |
Q401 | Ring Biotechnology Co | 96T | 200 EUR |
HBV Quantitative Real Time PCR Kit |
GWB-LRB013 | GenWay Biotech | 25 tests | Ask for price |
HBV Quantitative Real Time PCR Kit |
GWB-LRB014 | GenWay Biotech | 25 tests | Ask for price |
Ochratoxin A Quantitative Test Kit |
Q605 | Ring Biotechnology Co | 96T | 200 EUR |
Biotin quantitative Determination Kit |
MBS2563934-5x96Tests | MyBiosource | 5x96Tests | 1360 EUR |
Biotin quantitative Determination Kit |
MBS2563934-96Tests | MyBiosource | 96Tests | 305 EUR |
DNA Oxidative Damage Kit - Quantitative |
DN-002 | Kamiya Biomedical Company | 20 tests | 656 EUR |
Mouse NoroVirus ELISA Kit(Quantitative ) |
SL0661Mo | Sunlong | - | 528 EUR |
TBE / FSME IgG quantitative |
GWB-AC53EA | GenWay Biotech | 1x96 Assays | Ask for price |
Mouse Mycoplasma Elisa kit(quantitative) |
EK730424 | AFG Bioscience LLC | 96 Wells | 0.68 EUR |
Human Mumps IgG ELISA Kit (quantitative) |
SL3197Hu | Sunlong | 96 Tests | 468 EUR |
Rat C3 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
6230 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 854.4 EUR |
Lactate ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
10795 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 927.6 EUR |
Pig IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
9080 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 854.4 EUR |
Rat IgA ELISA kit 96 tests, Quantitative |
6410-10 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 607.2 EUR |
Rat IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
6420 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 781.2 EUR |
Rat IgE ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
6470 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 927.6 EUR |
Rat IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
6480 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 854.4 EUR |
Cat IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
300-100-CGG | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 854.4 EUR |
Cat IgM ELISA kit 96 tests, Quantitative |
300-170-CGM | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 854.4 EUR |
Cat IgA ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
300-180-CGA | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 854.4 EUR |
Cat IgE ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
300-190-CGE | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 854.4 EUR |
Dog IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
400-100-DGG | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 781.2 EUR |
Dog IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
400-170-DGM | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 781.2 EUR |
Dog IgA ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
400-180-DGA | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 854.4 EUR |
Dog IgE ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
400-190-DGE | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 854.4 EUR |
Oxytocin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
10790 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 927.6 EUR |
Benedict’s Quantitative Reagent |
R003-500ML | EWC Diagnostics | 1 unit | 7.09 EUR |
Rat IgG1 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
6430 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 854.4 EUR |
Rat VEGF ELISA Kit, 96 tests, quantitative |
200-840-VER | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 927.6 EUR |
Goat IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
7530 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 927.6 EUR |
Goat IgA ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
7540 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 1000.8 EUR |
Goat IgE ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
7550 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 1000.8 EUR |
Duck Pasteurellosis ELISA Kit(Quantitative) |
SL0014Du | Sunlong | - | 528 EUR |
Mouse IgA ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
6310 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 781.2 EUR |
Mouse IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
6320 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 781.2 EUR |
Mouse IgE ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
6370 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 781.2 EUR |
Mouse IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
6380 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 781.2 EUR |
Rat IgG2a ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
6440 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 578.4 EUR |
Rat IgG2b ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
6450 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 634.8 EUR |
Human IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
1750 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 781.2 EUR |
Human IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
1760 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 781.2 EUR |
Human IgA ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
1780 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 781.2 EUR |
Sheep IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
7630 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 854.4 EUR |
Sheep IgA ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
7640 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 1000.8 EUR |
Sheep IgE ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
7650 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 1000.8 EUR |
Horse IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
7730 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 854.4 EUR |
Horse IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
7740 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 854.4 EUR |
Horse IgE ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
7750 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 927.6 EUR |
SARS-COV-2 IgG ELISA Kit (Quantitative) |
DEIASL019Q | Creative Diagnostics | 96T | 1039.92 EUR |
SARS-COV-2 IgM ELISA Kit (Quantitative) |
DEIASL020Q | Creative Diagnostics | 96T | 1039.92 EUR |
Biotin Quantitative Determination ELISA Kit |
E-IR-R501-24Tests | Elabscience Biotech | 24 Tests | 150 EUR |
Biotin Quantitative Determination ELISA Kit |
E-IR-R501-48Tests | Elabscience Biotech | 48 Tests | 288 EUR |
Biotin Quantitative Determination ELISA Kit |
E-IR-R501-96Tests | Elabscience Biotech | 96 Tests | 320 EUR |
Biotin Quantitative Determination ELISA Kit |
E-IR-R501-96Tests10 | Elabscience Biotech | 96 Tests *10 | 3200 EUR |
Biotin Quantitative Determination ELISA Kit |
E-IR-R501-96Tests5 | Elabscience Biotech | 96 Tests *5 | 1600 EUR |
Mouse parvovirus (PV) ELISA Kit(Quantitative ) |
SL0660Mo | Sunlong | - | 528 EUR |
Benedicts Solution Quantitative |
RRSP900-D | Atom Scientific | 500ml | 6.36 EUR |
Benedicts Solution Quantitative |
RRSP900-E | Atom Scientific | 1L | 10.59 EUR |
Benedicts Solution Quantitative |
RRSP900-F | Atom Scientific | 2.5L | 21.96 EUR |
Mouse IgG1 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
6330 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 781.2 EUR |
Mouse IgG3 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
6360 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 781.2 EUR |
Rabbit IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
6580 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 708 EUR |
Mouse VEGF ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
100-230-VEM | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 854.4 EUR |
Vitamin A ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
10760 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 927.6 EUR |
Vitamin B1 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
10765 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 927.6 EUR |
Vitamin C ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
10770 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 927.6 EUR |
Vitamin E ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
10775 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 927.6 EUR |
Horse Fab2 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
7710-Fab | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 854.4 EUR |
Turkey IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
8020 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 781.2 EUR |
Bovine IgA ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
8075 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 854.4 EUR |
Bovine IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
8080 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 854.4 EUR |
Human CCL2 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
HCC-0L2-105 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 578.4 EUR |
Human CCL3 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
HCC-0L3-110 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 578.4 EUR |
Human CCL4 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
HCC-0L4-115 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 578.4 EUR |
Human CD93 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
HCD-093-120 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 578.4 EUR |
Mouse CCL2 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
MCC-0L2-100 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 578.4 EUR |
Mouse CCL3 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
MCC-0L3-100 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 607.2 EUR |
Protein-A ELISA Kit, 480 tests, Quantitative |
800-110-PRA-5 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 pk | 3714 EUR |
G. Pig IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
7430 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 781.2 EUR |
Extracellular Vesicle ELISA Quantitative Kit |
JOT-EV02-04-01 | Jotbody | 96 T | 659.43 EUR |
Rubella Virus IgG quantitative |
GWB-31CB3E | GenWay Biotech | 1x96 Assays | Ask for price |
Vasopressin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
10800 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 927.6 EUR |
Mouse CD68 quantitative detection ELISA Kit |
MBS3809914-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 6265 EUR |
Mouse CD68 quantitative detection ELISA Kit |
MBS3809914-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 3175 EUR |
Mouse CD68 quantitative detection ELISA Kit |
MBS3809914-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 690 EUR |
Dog Albumin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
7000-50 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 781.2 EUR |
Mouse IgG2a ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
6340 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 781.2 EUR |
Rat Albumin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
6400 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 781.2 EUR |
Pig Insulin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
10420 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 927.6 EUR |
D-Lactate ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
10845 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 927.6 EUR |
Vitamin B12 ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
0340-B12 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 927.6 EUR |
Protein-A ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
800-110-PRA | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 927.6 EUR |
Human CXCL3 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
HCXC-003-100 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 578.4 EUR |
Human CXCL9 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
HCXC-090-100 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 578.4 EUR |
Mouse CXCL3 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
MCXC-003-100 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 578.4 EUR |
TBE / FSME IgG plus quantitative |
GWB-3EBB47 | GenWay Biotech | 1x96 Assays | Ask for price |
Rat IL-13 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
RIL-013-100 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 578.4 EUR |
Prostacyclin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
10785 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 927.6 EUR |
Homocysteine ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
0370-HCY | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 927.6 EUR |
Rat Glucagon ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
9485 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 927.6 EUR |
Mouse Leptin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
100-130-LEM | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 854.4 EUR |
Goat Insulin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
10730 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 927.6 EUR |
Human CXCL10 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
HCXC-010-100 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 708 EUR |
Human CXCL16 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
HCXC-016-100 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 578.4 EUR |
Deoxynivalenol/Vomitoxin Quantitative Test Kit |
Q602 | Ring Biotechnology Co | 96T | 200 EUR |
Human IL-4 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
HIL-004-105 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 578.4 EUR |
Human IL-5 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
HIL-005-110 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 578.4 EUR |
Human IL-9 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
HIL-009-115 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 607.2 EUR |
Human IL-8 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
HIL-080-170 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 578.4 EUR |
Mouse IL-2 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
MIL-002-105 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 578.4 EUR |
Mouse IL-4 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
MIL-004-110 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 578.4 EUR |
Mouse IL-5 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
MIL-005-115 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 578.4 EUR |
Mouse IL-9 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
MIL-009-120 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 578.4 EUR |
Rat IL-17A ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
RIL-17A-100 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 607.2 EUR |
Benedict`s Reagent Quantitative |
82949 | Sisco Laboratories | 500 ml | 2.6 EUR |
Rat Clusterin ELISA kit 96 tests, Quantitative |
610-110-RCL | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 927.6 EUR |
Rat Hemopexin ELISA kit 96 tests, Quantitative |
610-710-HPX | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 927.6 EUR |
Pig Myoglobin ELISA kit 96 tests, Quantitative |
600-640-PMY | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 1000.8 EUR |
Rat Myoglobin ELISA kit 96 tests, Quantitative |
600-660-RMY | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 1000.8 EUR |
Human Glucose ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
9575 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 927.6 EUR |
Human Estrone ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
1925 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 708 EUR |
Bovine IL-4 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
BIL-004-100 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 634.8 EUR |
Human IL-10 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
HIL-010-120 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 578.4 EUR |
Human IL-13 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
HIL-013-130 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 607.2 EUR |
Human IL-15 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
HIL-015-135 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 607.2 EUR |
Human IL-21 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
HIL-021-145 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 578.4 EUR |
Human IL-22 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
HIL-022-150 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 607.2 EUR |
Human IL-23 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
HIL-023-155 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 607.2 EUR |
Human IL-27 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
HIL-027-160 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 607.2 EUR |
Human IL-29 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
HIL-029-165 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 578.4 EUR |
Mouse IL-10 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
MIL-010-125 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 578.4 EUR |
Mouse IL-13 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
MIL-013-135 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 578.4 EUR |
Mouse IL-21 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
MIL-021-155 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 607.2 EUR |
Mouse IL-22 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
MIL-022-160 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 607.2 EUR |
Mouse IL-23 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
MIL-023-165 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 607.2 EUR |
Mouse IL-25 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
MIL-025-170 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 607.2 EUR |
Mouse IL-27 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
MIL-027-175 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 607.2 EUR |
Mouse IL-33 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
MIL-033-180 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 607.2 EUR |
Alpha-Fetoprotein, AFP ELISA Kit (Quantitative) |
DEIA080 | Creative Diagnostics | 96T | 483 EUR |
Corticosterone ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
CRS-100 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 854.4 EUR |
TNFalpha McAb quantitative detection ELISA Kit |
MBS3809924-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 6545 EUR |
TNFalpha McAb quantitative detection ELISA Kit |
MBS3809924-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 3325 EUR |
TNFalpha McAb quantitative detection ELISA Kit |
MBS3809924-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 720 EUR |
Human Thrombin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
9625 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 927.6 EUR |
Monkey Albumin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
7000-10 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 927.6 EUR |
Rat Thiostatin ELISA kit 96 tests, Quantitative |
600-730-RTS | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 927.6 EUR |
Mouse Glucagon ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
9335 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 1074 EUR |
Goat Prolactin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
10735 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 927.6 EUR |
Human Cortisol ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
1850 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 634.8 EUR |
HIV Quantitative TaqMan RT-PCR Detection Kit |
TM33740 | Norgen Biotek Corp | 48 Reactions | 173.4 EUR |
Sheep IgG-Fc ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
7615-Fc | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 854.4 EUR |
Horse IgG-Fc ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
7715-Fc | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 854.4 EUR |
Human GM-CSF ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
HGM-CSF-100 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 578.4 EUR |
Human IL-17A ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
HIL-17A-175 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 578.4 EUR |
Human IL-17F ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
HIL-17F-185 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 607.2 EUR |
Mouse GM-CSF ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
MGM-CSF-100 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 578.4 EUR |
Mouse IL-17F ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
MIL-017-140 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 607.2 EUR |
Mouse IL-17A ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
MIL-17A-185 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 578.4 EUR |
HBV PCR Fluorescence Quantitative Detection Kit |
TRI-B01M1B | TRI Biotech | 48T | 403.2 EUR |
HBV PCR Fluorescence Quantitative Detection Kit |
TRI-B01S1B | TRI Biotech | 32T | 277.2 EUR |
HCV PCR Fluorescence Quantitative Detection Kit |
TRI-B02M1B | TRI Biotech | 48T | 932.4 EUR |
HCV PCR Fluorescence Quantitative Detection Kit |
TRI-B02S1B | TRI Biotech | 32T | 630 EUR |
Toxoplasma gondii IgG quantitative |
GWB-170153 | GenWay Biotech | 1x96 Assays | Ask for price |
Quantitative Pipettes Bulb Fillers |
PF330 | Bio Basic | 1 UNIT | 66.26 EUR |
Monkey Thrombin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
9730 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 927.6 EUR |
Mouse Clusterin ELISA kit 96 tests, Quantitative |
610-100-MCL | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 927.6 EUR |
Dog Haptoglobin ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
6250-10 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 927.6 EUR |
Rat Haptoglobin ELISA kit 96 tests, Quantitative |
6250-30 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 927.6 EUR |
Pig Haptoglobin ELISA kit 96 tests, Quantitative |
6250-40 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 927.6 EUR |
Cat Haptoglobin ELISA kit 96 tests, Quantitative |
6250-50 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 927.6 EUR |
Human Myoglobin ELISA kit 96 tests, Quantitative |
600-610-HMY | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 1000.8 EUR |
Mouse Myoglobin ELISA kit 96 tests, Quantitative |
600-630-MMY | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 1000.8 EUR |
Mouse Myostatin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
100-220-MYM | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 1000.8 EUR |
Chicken Insulin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
10655 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 927.6 EUR |
Hyaluronic Acid ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
10850 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 927.6 EUR |
Human Estradiol ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
1920 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 708 EUR |
Dog Transferrin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
400-195-DGT | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 854.4 EUR |
Rat IL-1 beta ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
RIL-01B-100 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 578.4 EUR |
Lipoxin A4 (LXA4) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
10885 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 927.6 EUR |
Sheep/Ovine Fab ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
7610-Fab | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 854.4 EUR |
Human IL-17AF ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
HIL-17AF-180 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 607.2 EUR |
Mouse IL-17AF ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
MIL-17AF-190 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 kit | 578.4 EUR |
Protein-G (HCPs) ELISA Kit, 480 tests, Quantitative |
800-120-PRG-5 | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 pk | 3714 EUR |
Monkey Myoglobin ELISA kit 96 tests, Quantitative |
600-620-MMY | Alpha Diagnostics | 1 Kit | 1000.8 EUR |